Invite contacts to a group or discussion

Invite contacts to a group or discussion

Invite contacts to a group

Who can use this feature?

The group owner and the group admin can use this feature.

The owner or admin of a group can invite new members to join at any time.

Send group invitations

  1. At the top of the group chat window, click the icon Add group members.
  2. Choose contacts to invite. Select Structure or My contacts to browse a list, or begin typing a name to narrow your search.
  3. Click Ok button to send the invitation

Invite contacts to a discussion

Who can use this feature?

Everyone in this discussion can use this feature

Every member of a discussion can invite new members to join at any time.

Send discussion invitations

  1. At the top of the discussion chat window, click the icon Add discussion members.
  2. Choose contacts to invite. Select Structure or My contacts to browse a list, or begin typing a name to narrow your search.
  3. Click Ok button to send the invitation

Groups/Discussions history

When a new member is invited to an existing group/discussion, he/she is unable to check with the Group/Discussion former message record.