Groups & Discussions

Groups & Discussions

BigAnt groups are where the majority of your group’s conversations and daily work can take place. You can create as many groups/discussions as you need.

Start a new group

  1. Go to BigAnt main panel, then click Groups/Discussions icon to show group list
  2. Click the + plus icon next to Discussions, then select Create personal group to open the group creation window.

  3. Enter a Group Name, up to 20 characters long.
  4. Select contacts to invite. Select the structure or My contacts to browse a list, or begin typing a name to narrow your search. If you’d like to skip this step, you can always send invitations later. Make sure you are added before close this window.
  5. You can also choose to add a group purpose. You will find this information useful when you’re considering dismissing a group.
  6. When you’re ready, click the Ok button.

Tip: You can also findCreate a group from menu list of the black triangle in Groups/Discussions icon.

Start a new Discussion

  1. Go to BigAnt main panel, then click Groups/Discussions icon to show group list
  2. Click the + plus icon next to Discussions, then select Create discussions to open the discussion creation window.
  3. Select contacts to invite. Select the structure or My contacts to browse a list, or begin typing a name to narrow your search.
  4. When you’re ready, click the Ok button.

Tip: You can also find Create a group/discussion from menu list of the black triangle in Groups/Discussions icon.

Who can create a Group or a Discussion>

Everyone in BigAnt can create groups and discussions.